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Short Tap  CE1503B  FUJI

Short Tap CE1503B FUJI

【order ID】8513764
【basic item number】CE1503B
【brand name】FUJI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】fujimac
【Country of origin】Japan
This type has taps divided into 3 directions.
Since it is a soft cord, the cord will not become stiff even in winter.

Short tap when there are not enough outlets.

Color: Blue
Thickness ([[square mm]]): 1.25
Length (cm): 35
Wire specifications Number of cores (C): 2
Wire specifications thickness ([[MM2]]): 1.25
Wire specifications length (m): 0.35

Total maximum: 1500W


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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