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Gap Filling Tape  E025  NITOMS

Gap Filling Tape E025 NITOMS

【order ID】7307535
【basic item number】E025
【brand name】NITOMS
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】Nitoms, Inc.
【Country of origin】Japan

Doesn't damage sliding doors and softens the open-and-shut sound.Prervents draft and the air-conditioning effect is improved.With profitable single-use 2 rolls.Since it is with adhesive, it can be easily and quickly pasted.Including-film specs which is easy to peel off.Color:GrayW x L (mm x m):15 x 2Thickness (mm):4Base material: Independent foam polyethylene(with reinforcing net)Adhesive: AcrylicsRelease Paper: Paper

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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