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The Garbage Bag  CE10  SANIPAK

The Garbage Bag CE10 SANIPAK

【order ID】4200259
【basic item number】CE10
【brand name】SANIPAK
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Sanipak Company Of Japan, Ltd.
【Country of origin】Indonesia
Because it is a product containing natural limestone, it reduces the amount of plastic used and reduces CO2 emissions during manufacturing and combustion by approximately 20%.
The film becomes whitish due to the combination of natural limestone ingredients.

Can be used for separate collection or as a collection bag for shredders.

Length (mm): 1200
Width (mm): 1500 (1000)
Thickness (mm): 0.025
Capacity (L): 300
Color: Translucent

1 book: 10 pieces

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) + natural limestone (LS)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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