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TheGarbageBag  CNN24  SANIPAK

TheGarbageBag CNN24 SANIPAK

【order ID】5827875
【basic item number】CNN24
【brand name】SANIPAK
【minimum order quantity】10
【manufacturer name】Sanipak Company Of Japan, Ltd.
【Country of origin】Indonesia
Because it is a product containing natural limestone, it reduces the amount of plastic used and reduces carbon dioxide emissions during manufacturing and combustion by approximately 20%.

For customers with high environmental awareness

Length (mm): 600
Width (mm): 520
Thickness (mm): 0.030
Capacity (L): 20
Color: White translucent

1 book: 10 pieces

Low density polyethylene (LLDPE) + natural limestone (LS)

【Set contents/accessories】

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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