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Garbage Bag  COP-12  ORDIY

Garbage Bag COP-12 ORDIY

【order ID】5547395
【basic item number】COP-12
【brand name】ORDIY
【minimum order quantity】10
【manufacturer name】ORDIY CO. LTD.
【Country of origin】Thailand
Eliminates the hassle of opening plastic bags! Since it is foldable, the opening pops open and it is easy to put in and take out.
If you flip the flap over, it can also be used as a simple lid.

Can be used as a garbage bag or kitchen bag.

Length (mm): 340
Width (mm): 230
Thickness (mm): 0.01
Color: Translucent

Food Sanitation Law

High density polyethylene

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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