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Gas Respirator (Low Concentration type)  GM28S  TS

Gas Respirator (Low Concentration type) GM28S TS

【order ID】8363450
【basic item number】GM28S
【brand name】TS
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SHIGEMATSU WORKS CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

It is a double cushion structure that prevents invasion of hazardous substances with a design tailored to a Japanese face shape.A type that classic canister CA-104N2 series can be installed.Compatible to the CA-104N2 series as standard canisters.Easy to breathe, comparing to the single type.Operations in an environment with low concentration of toxic gas.An environmental concentration of harmful substances is 0.1%(1000ppm)or lower.(however, 10 times of exposure limit or lower)Size:MVertical (mm):124Horizontal (mm):110National Certification Acceptance Number:TN392Replacement Canister: CA-104N2 Series, CA-107L/OV (excluding GM76DS)National Certification Accepted ProductType certification number No. TN392Canister sold separately

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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