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Gear Puller(Slide-type)  TSG-120  TRUSCO
Gear Puller(Slide-type)  TSG-120  TRUSCO
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Gear Puller(Slide-type)  TSG-120  TRUSCO

Gear Puller(Slide-type) TSG-120 TRUSCO

【order ID】2426498
【basic item number】TSG120
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】Japan

Parallel movement of the claws allows for smooth work, leading to higher efficiency.With its slide claw, bolt tightening work required for Typical type is unnecessary.Easy setting work, improving work efficiency.Applicable Pulley (mm):30 to 120claw Reach Length (mm):90Breaking Load (kN):40Do not use for in-hook work with changing the orientation of the claws.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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