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Flex Extra-long Ratchet Box End Wrench  MR15L-19F  KTC

Flex Extra-long Ratchet Box End Wrench MR15L-19F KTC

【order ID】3838137
【basic item number】MR15L19F
【brand name】KTC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】KYOTO TOOL CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Taiwan

Fine feed operation can be performed with 72 teeth and a feed angle of 5.Both the ratchet side and the box end wrench side have a single-sided offset shape, so it can be used even when there is a sitting grease around the bolt/nut.Since the direction of rotation can be switched by lever operation on the side of the head, it can be used for tightening and loosening.Opposite Side Dimension (mm):19Ratchet:20.9Thickness (mm) Ring:14.4Total Length (mm):460Be aware of excessive force because the joint part is weak against shocks and twists.Total length is long and it is easy to apply excessive load, so pay attention to over torque.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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