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75Angle Offset Ratchet Ring Wrench Deep Head  RM75A-1012  TONE

75Angle Offset Ratchet Ring Wrench Deep Head RM75A-1012 TONE

【order ID】4472632
【basic item number】RM75A1012
【brand name】TONE
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TONE CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Taiwan

Turning the switching dial enables switching between right rotation, left rotation, and fixed.Since it is offset at an angle of 75 it is easy to avoid obstacles.Since the box end part is offset with a collar part, it can also be used for bolts and nuts in the counterbore part.RM75A-1214 or more is equipped with a safety rope mounting hole.Opposite Side Dimension (mm):10 x 12T1:16.1Thickness (mm) T2:18.0Total Length (mm):197

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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