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Ratchet Ring Wrench Long Flex Head  RMA-12L  TONE

Ratchet Ring Wrench Long Flex Head RMA-12L TONE

【order ID】4057848
【basic item number】RMA12L
【brand name】TONE
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TONE CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Taiwan

Ultra long size, optimum for work in a deep recessed place.Work efficiency is increased by doing the high torque work on the box end side and the quick-turn work on the ratchet box end side with a swing mechanism.Since both heads are offset on one side, it can also be used for bolts and nuts in the counterbore part.Opposite Side Dimension (mm):12T1:9.5Thickness (mm) T2:14.7Total Length (mm):350

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