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Gloves Nitrile for CR  1-2324-04  AS

Gloves Nitrile for CR 1-2324-04 AS

【order ID】4447441
【basic item number】1-2324-04
【brand name】AS
【minimum order quantity】1Box
【manufacturer name】AS ONE Corporation.
【Country of origin】Malaysia
Ultra-pure water cleaning process and dust-free packaging under class 100 high cleanliness.
Packed in groups of 50 left and right, the inner bag is double-wrapped using non-static cleaning material.
Excellent fit and suitable for work in clean rooms.

Work inside the clean room

Size: L
Total length (cm): 30.0
Palm circumference (cm): 21.0
Middle finger length (cm): 8.0
Thickness (mm): 0.1
ISO Class: 5 (Fed/STD class 100) equivalent
Powder (with/without): None Embossing: Fingertips

Clean pack specifications
Left and right separate types

Nitrile rubber

【Set contents/accessories】

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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