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Flexible Wheel  0030-9462  HiKOKI

Flexible Wheel 0030-9462 HiKOKI

【order ID】7675127
【basic item number】0030-9462
【brand name】HiKOKI
【minimum order quantity】1Box
【manufacturer name】Koki-holdings Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
Economical with large amount of grinding.
Good adhesion to the grinding surface and less fatigue.

For grinding general steel materials.

Particle size (#): 80
Outer diameter (mm): 180
Thickness (mm): 3.3
Hole diameter (mm): 22
Maximum operating speed (rpm): 7600

Maximum circumferential speed: 72m/s (4300m/min)


【Set contents/accessories】

Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.'s brand changed to "HiKOKI" in October 2018.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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