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Twist Drill Regular TiN coating 14mm  5519 14.000  GUHRING

Twist Drill Regular TiN coating 14mm 5519 14.000 GUHRING

【order ID】2338699
【basic item number】5519 14.000
【brand name】GUHRING
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Guhring Japan Corporation
【Country of origin】Germany
A highly versatile coated drill that can handle everything from general steel to non-ferrous steel, cast iron, and stainless steel.

For general steel, non-ferrous steel, cast iron, and stainless steel.

Blade diameter (mm): 14
Groove length (mm): 108
Total length (mm): 160
Helix angle (°): 118
Surface treatment: TiN coating

GU 500 DZ


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