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Highgrade Topplate Rubber Caster  513YS-RB150  HAMMER CASTER

Highgrade Topplate Rubber Caster 513YS-RB150 HAMMER CASTER

【order ID】3382138
【basic item number】513YS-RB150
【brand name】HAMMER CASTER
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】HAMMER CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
By applying heat treatment to special steel, we have not only reduced weight but also increased strength and extended life.
It has a nimble turning performance that overturns the conventional wisdom of industrial casters, making it easier to maneuver.


Wheel diameter D (mm): 150
Type: Universal (with stopper)
Allowable load (daN): 370
Allowable load (kgf): 377.4
Wheel width (mm): 46
Mounting height H (mm): 196
Mounting seat A (mm): 140
Mounting seat B (mm): 140
Mounting pitch X (mm): 100
Mounting pitch Y (mm): 100
Mounting hole diameter P (mm): 13
Boss width B (mm): 196
Boss width W (mm): 62
Hole diameter d (mm): 12.2
With free stopper

Plate type
Roller bearing included

Metal fittings: Steel
Metal fittings surface treatment: Trivalent chromium chemical conversion treatment
Wheels: Rubber

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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