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Threadedstem Rubber Caster  920MA-RB125  HAMMER CASTER

Threadedstem Rubber Caster 920MA-RB125 HAMMER CASTER

【order ID】8143399
【basic item number】920MA-RB125
【brand name】HAMMER CASTER
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】HAMMER CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
A screw-in caster with a large ball race diameter on the swivel part and wide wheels for excellent swivel performance and running stability.


Wheel diameter D (mm): 125
Type: Universal
Allowable load (daN): 100
Thread T: M16
Thread pitch (mm): 2.0
Mounting height (mm): 166
Shaft length (mm): 40

Screw-in type

Metal fittings: Steel
Metal fittings surface treatment: Chrome plated finish
Wheels: Nylon wheels, rubber

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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