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Heavy-duty Caster  TP6687-PAL-PBB  SAMSONG

Heavy-duty Caster TP6687-PAL-PBB SAMSONG

【order ID】7630263
【basic item number】TP6687PALPBB
【brand name】SAMSONG
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SAMSONG CASTER CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Korea

Excellent in dustproof and waterproof function.Optimum for heavy weight objects.High strength precise bearings are used for the pivot part.(daN):882Allowable Weight (kgf):900Wheel Diameter D (mm):203Wheel Width (mm):50Mounting Height H (mm):256.0Mounting Plate A x B (mm):130 x 114Mounting Pitch X x Y (mm):76 x 105 (80 x 105)Mounting Hole Diameter P (mm):11Plate TypeMaintenance free typeFlexible TypeMetal Fitting: SteelMetal fitting surface treatment: Trivalent galvanizingWheel: Steel wheel, heat resistant urethaneMaintenance-free type uses seal processing bearing and does not require grease injection when managing the bearing.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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