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Heavy-Duty Kingpinless Caster  TP7280-KPL-PCI  SAMSONG

Heavy-Duty Kingpinless Caster TP7280-KPL-PCI SAMSONG

【order ID】7630328
【basic item number】TP7280KPLPCI
【brand name】SAMSONG
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SAMSONG CASTER CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Korea

Uses hot-forged S45C steel, excellent in durability.Flexible turning plate integrating type without a caulking pin of the shaft.(daN):1471Allowable Weight (kgf):1500Wheel Diameter D (mm):203Wheel Width (mm):64Mounting Height H (mm):257Mounting Plate A x B (mm):159 x 114Mounting Pitch X x Y (mm):133 x 85 (125 x 62)Mounting Hole Diameter P (mm):14Plate TypeFlexible TypeMetal Fitting: SteelMetal fitting surface treatment: Trivalent galvanizingWheel: Heat resistant urethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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