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Insulok MS Tie  T120R  HellermannTyton

Insulok MS Tie T120R HellermannTyton

【order ID】4757998
【basic item number】T120R
【brand name】HellermannTyton
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】HellermannTyton Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】0

The head has a mechanism which can surely fix with slight insertion resistance.The band part has adequate flexibility which makes it easy to work with, and the edges are rounded to prevent burden on workers and bundled objects.For electrical/electronic industry, aerospace industry, communication industry, power distribution work, etc.Color:Milky whiteW x L (mm):7.6 x 382Thickness (mm):1.8Max Bundling Diameter (mm):100Tensile Strength (N):535For indoorWorking Temperature Range: -40 to 85CNylon 66(standard)

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