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Torx[[RD]] Screwdriver  400-15  PB SWISS TOOLS

Torx[[RD]] Screwdriver 400-15 PB SWISS TOOLS

【order ID】8338830
【basic item number】40015
【brand name】PB SWISS TOOLS
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】PB Swiss Tools
【Country of origin】Switzerland

The grip is gentle to the skin and is ideal for gripping. It also has excellent impact resistance and is easy to maintain.PB makes handles with one type of material that can be recycled and does not contain cadmium and follows the policies of environmentally friendly production activities.The grip with the groove has been loved by our customers for many decades. It has an ideal shape for gripping and transmits high torque surely.Blade Edge:T15Shaft Length (mm):80Total Length (mm):180Shaft: Chrome vanadium steelGrip: Cellulose aceto butyrate

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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