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Brimmed Hood(Face fit type)  SH15W 31891021  MIDORI ANZEN

Brimmed Hood(Face fit type) SH15W 31891021 MIDORI ANZEN

【order ID】4478266
【basic item number】SH15W
【brand name】MIDORI ANZEN
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【manufacturer name】MIDORI ANZEN CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】China

Vertically/horizontally stretch raw material for the face contact part does not make the space between the face and it closely fits.Three-dimensional cape along the shoulder line, it is difficult to move up, and fits the body.Color:WhiteSize:FreeWith mask hooksWith glasses slitsPolyester: 65%Cotton: 35%

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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