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Stripe Cloth Adhesive Tape  336200-SS-00-60X25  SLIONTEC

Stripe Cloth Adhesive Tape 336200-SS-00-60X25 SLIONTEC

【order ID】3518655
【basic item number】336200SS0060X25
【brand name】SLIONTEC
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】Maxell,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

As it employs cloth base material, it is strong and good in hand cuttability.Excellent in adhesion on rough surfaces.For indoor use.For danger warning display.W x L (mm x m):60 x 25Color: Yellow/blackViscosity: 2.7N/10mmTensile Strength: 78N/10mmThickness: 0.26mmBase Material: Staple Fiber Fabric (with polyethylene laminate)Adhesive: Rubber

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