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Rubber Spatula  12326  INOUE

Rubber Spatula 12326 INOUE

【order ID】3548381
【basic item number】12326
【brand name】INOUE
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】Inouekougu
【Country of origin】Japan
The spatula tip has just the right amount of elasticity.
It looks and feels like it's made of rubber, but it's actually a plastic spatula.
It is a type of rubber spatula with a handle.

Ideal for applying putty, pasting film, and scraping up materials stuck to containers.
Useful for collecting cans and large pots.

Blade width (mm): 125
Blade length (mm): 515
Width (mm): 125
Height (mm): 515
Thickness (mm): 24


Elastomer & steel
Pattern: Wooden

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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