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UNA Insect Repellment  24773  Kowa

UNA Insect Repellment 24773 Kowa

【order ID】3649450
【basic item number】24773
【brand name】Kowa
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kowa Company,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
The active ingredient spreads three-dimensionally at the entrance of insects, keeping unwanted insects away.
Effectiveness lasts even if it gets wet in the rain.
No electricity or batteries required.
Simple design that is easy to get used to.

Avoidance of unpleasant pests

Estimated duration of effect: Approximately 260 days
Fragrance: Odorless
Duration of effect: Approximately 1 piece per 18 square meters, approximately 260 days

One piece per 18 square meters can be used for about 260 days.

Active ingredient: Metofluthrin (pyrethroid)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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