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Polyester File Adhesive Tape No.631S  NO.631S #25}  TERAOKA

Polyester File Adhesive Tape No.631S NO.631S #25} TERAOKA

【order ID】4306597
【basic item number】631SB2519X30 4356
【brand name】TERAOKA
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】Teraoka Seisakusho co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】0

Excellent in adhesion, and hard-to-generate flagging if it is wound on a coil.Excellent in insulation.For interior and exterior of transformers, for fixing electronic parts requiring heat resistance, and for harness of electric wire etc.Color:BlueW x L (mm x m):19 x 30Thickness (mm):0.05Viscosity: 4.9N/10mmTensile Strength: 38.24N/10mmBase Material: Polyester FilmAdhesive: Acrylic

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