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Kapton Film Adhesive Tape No.650S  NO.650S #25 20X20  TERAOKA

Kapton Film Adhesive Tape No.650S NO.650S #25 20X20 TERAOKA

【order ID】4306660
【basic item number】650S2520X20
【brand name】TERAOKA
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】Teraoka Seisakusho co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Excellent in heat resistance.For masking at high temperature dry coating and solder plating.For heat resistant film and TAB (print circuit board) splicing.For heat resistant process parts transportation.Color:Yellowish BrownW x L (mm x m):20 x 20Thickness (mm):0.050Viscosity: 1.64N/10mmTensile Strength: 31.40N/10mmBase Material: Kapton[[RU]] FilmAdhesive: Silicone Type

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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