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200-32-B-3  IWATA

200-32-B-3 IWATA

【order ID】2231550
【basic item number】200-32-B-3 1004
【brand name】IWATA
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】IWATA MFG.CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】0
Easy to install by simply pushing in without using adhesive, and protects the edges.
Exhibits high grip strength due to the aluminum core metal, is lightweight, and has excellent corrosion resistance.
You can choose the color and surface pattern according to the area of ​​use.
TPE is an environmentally friendly material with excellent recyclability.


Length (m): 15
Applicable board thickness (mm): 3.2

Trim for board thickness 3.2mm


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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