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Insulating Coating Solderless Terminal  V1.25-B3A  JST

Insulating Coating Solderless Terminal V1.25-B3A JST

【order ID】4226101
【basic item number】V1.25B3A
【brand name】JST
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】J.S.T. Mfg. Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

A crimp terminal with insulated coating which one side of the mounting hole of the contact surface(tongue)is open and can be attached even without completely removing the screw.Used to connect stranded wires of soft copper.Stranded Wire ([[MM2]]):0.25 to 1.65Electrical Wire Tying Range AWG:22-16Outer Dimensions (mm):5.8Stud Diameter (mm):3.2Total Length (mm):20.0Internal Dimensions (mm):3.2JIS Standard Product:xForked type(single wire incompatible)1.25SQ: Red2SQ: BlueTerminal: Oxygen-Free Copper (C1020)/Electro Tin PlatingInsulator: Vinyl

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