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Neo Keeper  ZA1779  SUGICO

Neo Keeper ZA1779 SUGICO

【order ID】7530650
【basic item number】B1884NE
【brand name】SUGICO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】0
【Country of origin】China

Uses a safe inorganic antibacterial agent.It supports from freezers to microwave oven heating.(lid cannot be used in microwave)Capacity (L):8.50Outer Dimension (mm) W x D x H:268 x 362 x 120Heat Resistant Temperature: -20 to 140degrees(main body), -30 to 60degrees(lid)Main Body: Polypropylene (PP)Lid: Polyethylene (PE)Cannot be heated to temperature of 140degrees or higher.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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