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Biotemp  356056  KYODO YUSHI

Biotemp 356056 KYODO YUSHI

【order ID】3620221
【basic item number】VVC-420U
【brand name】KYODO YUSHI
【minimum order quantity】1Box
【manufacturer name】KYODO YUSHI CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

A natural environment-friendly grease which is decomposed by microorganisms.The highest class long life with commercially available biodegradable grease.Excellent in machine stability and extreme pressure property.For lubrication of bearings such as agriculture, construction machinery, harbors, flood control equipment, trucks and sliding parts such as gears and bushes.Cone Penetration:No.2Color:Yellowish BrownCapacity (g):400Working Temperature Range: -20 to 100CPrincipal component: Vegetable oil, hydroxy calcium soap

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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