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fabric softener  404753  P and G
fabric softener  404753  P and G
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, fabric softener  404753  P and G
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, fabric softener  404753  P and G

fabric softener 404753 P and G

【order ID】5373065
【basic item number】404753
【brand name】P and G
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】
【Country of origin】Japan
Even clothes that are difficult to iron can be used without ironing.
Removes twists
Prevents pilling
Prevents wrinkles
Softener*1...Tested on cotton clothing.
Effects may vary depending on the material of the clothing, and effects cannot be guaranteed for all fibers.


Type: Refill
Capacity (ml): 1420

Fragrance of mountain lily and green bouquet
Uses undiluted solution


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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