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X-LOCK Wheel Brush  472.21X.JP  LESSMANN

X-LOCK Wheel Brush 472.21X.JP LESSMANN

【order ID】2554566
【basic item number】472.21X.JP
【brand name】LESSMANN
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】LESSMANN GmbH
【Country of origin】Germany
A wheel brush compatible with the X-LOCK mechanism.
It is a knot (twist) processed product using high-grade wire material, and is a long-life product with excellent grinding and cleaning power.
Ideal for sites where particularly high grindability is required.

For sites such as welding, steel, and shipbuilding.
For polishing steel and nonferrous metals, removing welding burrs, slag, and rust, etc.

Outer diameter (mm): 115
Wire diameter (mm): 0.5
Thickness (mm): 14
Maximum operating speed (rpm): 12500

Compatible grinder: For X-LOCK specification power tools

High tensile steel wire

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