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2-Point Lifting Balance  PSB508  SUPER TOOL
2-Point Lifting Balance  PSB508  SUPER TOOL
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 2-Point Lifting Balance  PSB508  SUPER TOOL
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 2-Point Lifting Balance  PSB508  SUPER TOOL

2-Point Lifting Balance PSB508 SUPER TOOL

【order ID】3812839
【basic item number】PSB508
【brand name】SUPER TOOL
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SUPER TOOL co. ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

A balance dedicated for safe and well-balanced lifting work.A balance for work involving housing panels.Basic Working Load (t):0.5Span length(mm):800Compatible clamps:PTC100\PTC150\PTC200\BLC200Equipped with a sling belt/a shackle/a wire rope/a ringSpecial Steel

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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