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Clamp for Vertical Lifting(VA type) with Safety Lock  VA-02000  ELEPHANT
Clamp for Vertical Lifting(VA type) with Safety Lock  VA-02000  ELEPHANT
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Clamp for Vertical Lifting(VA type) with Safety Lock  VA-02000  ELEPHANT

Clamp for Vertical Lifting(VA type) with Safety Lock VA-02000 ELEPHANT

【order ID】2421119
【basic item number】VA-02000
【brand name】ELEPHANT
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】ELEPHANT CHAIN BLOCK CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

Equipped with a safety lock that keeps it securely locked after the suspended load lands on the ground and becomes loose.A standard type with a wide range of uses that is convenient for vertical lifting and turning over.Transporting iron plates and section steels.Basic Working Load (t):2.0Jaw Width Range (mm):0 to 36D:60H:356H2:79.5Dimension (mm) L:170Equipped with a safety lock.For 2 points suspensionEnsure to use it in a set of 2 clamps when lifting flat plates.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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