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Multifunctional Traffic Wand  2013002  MIZUKEI

Multifunctional Traffic Wand 2013002 MIZUKEI

【order ID】1157185
【basic item number】2013002
【brand name】MIZUKEI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】MIZUKEI CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】China

Multi type guidance bar.For guidance of cars or preparation for emergency such as disaster, etc.Color:Red/blue/searchlightW x L (mm):38 x 290LED count(pieces):Red x 5/blue x 5/white x 1Buzzer:WithReflective materials at the upper/lower partsWith clip, strapWith strong magnet on the bottomWith rescuing hammerSwitching: Red blinking -> blue blinking -> red/blue alternate blinking -> searchlightPower Supply: AA dry battery x 3(sold separately)Main Body: PPGrip: ABSHook: Stainless Steel

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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