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Straight Rule  TSU-30N  TRUSCO
Straight Rule  TSU-30N  TRUSCO
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Straight Rule  TSU-30N  TRUSCO

Straight Rule TSU-30N TRUSCO

【order ID】4150767
【basic item number】TSU30N
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】0

Since it is a blast process finish, it suppresses the reflection of light, and the scale is easy to see.Difficult to erase due to the etching scale.Inch conversion table, screw pilot hole diameter is attached with a table.A JIS 1st class product.(TSU-15N, TSU-30N, TSU-60N, TSU-100N, TSU-150, TSU-200N)Total Length x W x Thickness (mm):335 x 25 x 1.0Nominal Dimension (mm):300Upper Graduations (pitch):1mmLower Graduations (pitch):0.5mm

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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