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KIDORANAI Rainwear Set up  AS-4700-ダークグリーン-4L  MAKKU

KIDORANAI Rainwear Set up AS-4700-ダークグリーン-4L MAKKU

【order ID】3695348
【basic item number】AS-4700-ダークグリーン-4L
【brand name】MAKKU
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】MAKKU CO.,LTD.
Although it is work wear, it has a collared style that can be worn both officially and casually.

For workers working in the field.
Used outdoors in rainy weather.

Color: Dark green
Size: 4L
Height (cm): 180-185
Chest measurement (cm): 108-122
Waist (cm): 102-112
Inseam (cm): 85
Water pressure resistance: 10000mm [[ H2O]]
Length (cm): 80

Low price x cost performance

100% polyester TPU laminate

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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