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Masker(Tape for Painting Buildings)  M-NTM2800  IRIS

Masker(Tape for Painting Buildings) M-NTM2800 IRIS

【order ID】7535601
【basic item number】MNTM2800
【brand name】IRIS
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】IRISOHYAMA INC.
【Country of origin】China

It can be used for curing when decorating the interior and exterior or painting.Since a film is subjected to corona discharge treatment, prevents dripping or scattering.For painting building exterior wall or internal wall.W x L (mm x m):2800 x 25Thickness (mm):0.01Can be cut by handColor: GreenCloth tape/polyethylene film(one side: corona treatment applied)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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