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Aluminium Composite Material AL-LEADER  AL-ブラック-3X6  HISHI

Aluminium Composite Material AL-LEADER AL-ブラック-3X6 HISHI

【order ID】3878682
【basic item number】AL-ブラック-3X6
【brand name】HISHI
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【manufacturer name】Mitsubishi Chemical Infratec Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
Lightweight design.
Double-sided coated product, beautiful, durable, and smooth.
Processing can be easily done using woodworking tools.
Cutting can be done with a saw, cutter, or circular saw.
Cutting can be done with a plane or hand trimmer.
Drilling can be done with a hand drill or hole saw.
For joining, aluminum and stainless steel bolts and screws can be used.

For signboards, partition boards, and various industrial materials.

Width (mm): 910
Length (mm): 1820
Thickness (mm): 3
Color: Black


Aluminum resin composite board

【Set contents/accessories】

Not suitable for bending.
The cut surface is very dangerous, so be careful when handling it while wearing protective gloves.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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