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Indicating Snap Gage  840FS150-200  MAHR
Indicating Snap Gage  840FS150-200  MAHR
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Indicating Snap Gage  840FS150-200  MAHR

Indicating Snap Gage 840FS150-200 MAHR

【order ID】8354169
【basic item number】840FS150200
【brand name】MAHR
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】0
【Country of origin】Czech

Regardless directly on a machine tool or in a measuring room, all cylindrical workpieces can be measured.Adopts a heat-insulated handle so that heat cannot be transmitted from operator's hands.For cylinder workpiece.Manufacturer Code:4455004Measurement Range (mm):150 to 200Measuring surface flatness: 0.5?EmMeasuring surface parallelism: 3?EmMeasuring pressure(N): 13.5(840FS10-30, 30-60, 60-100), 15(840FS100-150, 150-200)Wooden caseAllen keyIndicator is sold separately.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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