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bath pump  BP-64  MITSUGIRON
bath pump  BP-64  MITSUGIRON
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, bath pump  BP-64  MITSUGIRON

bath pump BP-64 MITSUGIRON

Since everything you need is included in the set, you can use it immediately after purchasing.
Comes with a 3m antibacterial hose.
Comes with a box for convenient storage.
It becomes a bath pump.

Reuse leftover bath water for laundry.


Power supply W52×D45×H93mm
Pump W57×D37×H92mm
Anti-bacterial hose inner diameter 15mm×length 3m
Hose holder W154×D30×H178mm
Pump cord 3m
Water supply rate 8L/min


【Set contents/accessories】
Power supply, pump, hose holder, antibacterial hose (3m), storage box, hose mounting plate

For bath pump only.
Do not supply water from ponds or aquariums, liquids other than bath water, or hot water over 45℃.
The pump is designed for use within 15 minutes.
Please refrain from using it for more than 15 minutes continuously.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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