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Catch Handle  CL-356-213-0  TERAMOTO
Catch Handle  CL-356-213-0  TERAMOTO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Catch Handle  CL-356-213-0  TERAMOTO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Catch Handle  CL-356-213-0  TERAMOTO

Catch Handle CL-356-213-0 TERAMOTO

【order ID】7816821
【basic item number】CL-356-213-0
【brand name】TERAMOTO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TERAMOTO corporation
【Country of origin】Japan
A small mop that allows you to attach and detach the mop string with a simple lever operation without getting your hands dirty.

Attach mop replacement thread for floor cleaning.

【Specification】-Total length (mm): Approx. 1336

【Specification2】-Total length (mm): Approx. 1336

Head: Chromate plated steel
Handle: φ22.2 aluminum pipe
Grip: Polypropylene

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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