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O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, O-Ring  4D S-132  MORISEI

O-Ring 4D S-132 MORISEI

【order ID】5660676
【basic item number】4D S-132
【brand name】MORISEI
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】MORISEI KAKO Co.,Ltd
【Country of origin】Japan
It has the best oil resistance and heat resistance and can be used in a wide range of applications.
(Weak against steam, ketones, esters, alkalis, and amines)
The wire diameter is thin, making it suitable for small designs.
Not recommended for exercise.

Seals for all industries such as automobiles, hydraulics and pneumatics.

Inner diameter (mm): 131.5
Wire diameter (mm): 2
Operating temperature range (℃): -15 to 220

For fixing to cylindrical surfaces/for fixing to flat surfaces
Operating temperature range: -15 to 220℃

Type 1A nitrile rubber (NBR)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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