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Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Cellulose Tape  4301-18  NICHIBAN

Cellulose Tape 4301-18 NICHIBAN

【order ID】3302890
【basic item number】4301-18
【brand name】NICHIBAN
【minimum order quantity】10Roll
【manufacturer name】NICHIBAN CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan
It cuts quickly without applying any force, is less likely to generate static electricity, and has little odor.
It is a biomass mark certified product.
It is an environmentally friendly product with low carbon dioxide emissions.
There are 6 standard colors.

Identification by color.
Light sealing, packaging sealing, marking, etc.

Color: Red
Width (mm): 18
Length (m): 35
Thickness (mm): 0.051
Adhesive strength (N/10mm): 3.62

Can be cut by hand
Core diameter: 3 inches (76mm)

Base material: Cellophane
Adhesive: Rubber type
Coiling core: 100% recycled paper

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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