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1010007300000  NICHIFU

1010007300000 NICHIFU

【order ID】1251696
【basic item number】1010007300000
【brand name】NICHIFU
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】NICHIFU Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
One of the mounting holes on the contact surface (tongue) is open, making it a bare crimp terminal that can be installed without completely removing the screws.

For connecting stranded mild steel wires.

Wire binding range Stranded wire ([[MM2]]): 0.3 to 0.75
Wire binding range AWG: 22 to 18
Stud diameter (mm): 3.2
Applicable tools: Tools for bare crimp terminals and sleeves


Oxygen-free copper (C1025)
Electrotin plating

【Set contents/accessories】

For copper wire only.
Please use within the wire conjugation range.
Please use the applicable crimping tool specified by our company.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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