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Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI
Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI
Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hose Clipper  HN-25N  NIPPEI

Hose Clipper HN-25N NIPPEI

【order ID】3819906
【basic item number】HN25N
【brand name】NIPPEI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】NIPPEI KIKI.
【Country of origin】Taiwan

Can temporarily stop the flow of liquid and gas in hoses used for automobiles and machines in one-touch.Suitable for hose clipping in narrow places such as an engine room.Total Length (mm):250Opening (mm):45Be careful of use for fatigued hose. Cannot be used for stainless mesh hose.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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