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4976124402036  NIPPE

4976124402036 NIPPE

【order ID】4501743
【basic item number】4976124402036
【brand name】NIPPE
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】NIPPONPAINT Co., Ltd.
An oil-based (weak solvent) one-component primer that can be used for a wide range of purposes.
Appropriate topcoat is (lacquer, oil-based, water-based).
Suitable for a wide range of materials, from resin surfaces such as plastic to metal surfaces such as galvanized.
This is an environmentally friendly product that is toluene-free and weakly solvent type and does not contain harmful metals such as chromium.

A wide range of materials such as plastics (PE, PP, ABS resin, PET), FRP, glass, acrylic plates, and metals with poor adhesion to paint, such as galvanized, aluminum, stainless steel, galvalume, chrome plating, and artificial wood.

Capacity (L): 1
Drying time: Summer (30℃): Approximately 3 hours or more Winter (10℃): Approximately 4 hours or more
Recoating time: Within 7 days
Coating area ([[M2 ]]): Approx. 15 (1 coat)



【Set contents/accessories】

1Contains organic solvents, so ensure good ventilation both during painting and drying.
2 Do not apply near fire.
3 Be careful not to get it on animals or plants.
Be especially careful not to let the paint get into ponds or rivers where there are fish.
4 Please refrain from using this product if you are prone to rashes, hives, or allergic symptoms due to various paints, thinners, or drugs, or if you are unwell, have a fever, or are pregnant or nursing.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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