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Ergonomic Electronic Cutters & Pliers  BAHRX7890  LINDSTROM
Ergonomic Electronic Cutters & Pliers  BAHRX7890  LINDSTROM
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Ergonomic Electronic Cutters & Pliers  BAHRX7890  LINDSTROM

Ergonomic Electronic Cutters & Pliers BAHRX7890 LINDSTROM

【order ID】4981651
【basic item number】RX7890
【brand name】LINDSTROM
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Snap-on Tools Japan K.K.
【Country of origin】Spain

By adopting ergo grip, it prevents injuries such as tendonitis.Can be adjusted to a width that suits the size of your hand.Total Length (mm):158.5A (mm):32With mechanical springHardness of Cutting Edge HRC42-46 with High Frequency Quenching

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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