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Driver Bit  V-17W No.2x6.35x120 N/00000148  OHMISEIKI

Driver Bit V-17W No.2x6.35x120 N/00000148 OHMISEIKI

【order ID】3232310
【basic item number】V17W2120 1115
【brand name】OHMISEIKI
【minimum order quantity】10Pcs
【manufacturer name】OHMISEIKI CO.LTD.
【Country of origin】0

Durability has been improved by using a dedicated special steel and increasing toughness.It can be used in various work environments such as the automobile industry, weak electric industry, and construction.Blade Edge:[[+]]2Total Length (mm):120Shank Diameter: 6.35mm

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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