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document storage box  868566  PLUS

document storage box 868566 PLUS

【order ID】1969332
【basic item number】868566
【brand name】PLUS
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】PLUS Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
The bottom is a one-touch assembly type.


Load capacity: approx. 20kg
Standard: C-1 (for A4/B4)
External dimensions (inner dimensions): Width 410 (400) x Depth 340 (330) x Height 320 (300) mm
Quantity in 1 set: 10 pieces

Document storage box
Commercial use pack
C type (with insert lid)
Can be stacked up to 4 levels


【Set contents/accessories】

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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