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Polistylene Contane Case Desco  690465  CHOPLA

Polistylene Contane Case Desco 690465 CHOPLA

【order ID】8521434
【basic item number】690465
【brand name】CHOPLA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】
【Country of origin】Japan
It's transparent so you can see what's inside.
A variety of sizes are available, so you can choose according to your application.
Comes with a lid to prevent dust from entering.

For supervising and storing small parts.

Color: Transparent
External dimensions (mm) Frontage: 59
External dimensions (mm) Depth: 59
External dimensions (mm) Height: 49
Effective internal dimensions (mm) Frontage: 47
Effective internal dimensions (mm) Depth :47
Effective inner dimensions (mm) Height: 43
Type: No partition
Number of frames: 1
Capacity (ml): 100

No partition type

Styrene resin

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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